Preparedness is a vital component to the response of any disaster. The Rocky Mountain District has certainly experienced numerous and significant disasters since the establishment of its Disaster Response fund in 2006; flooding, wildfires, tornadoes and other events. Part of this preparedness is having the financial resources in place when a disaster occurs. These financial resources are used to deploy local LCMS churches and ministries in being the hands and feet of mercy within their community, meeting the material and spiritual needs of those affected by a disaster.
Click here to read the report given to the 2015 District Convention on how previous disaster response funds were used.
Please consider making a one-time donation to the Rocky Mountain District Disaster Response fund by clicking the donate now button below, or speak to your congregation about making this fund a part of your church’s mission outreach.
Disaster Resources
There are numerous resources available to your congregation to prepare for emergency responses to various disasters. Preparation is a key component to how your congregation can respond to an emergency, whether it affects the church building, members or the community at large.
DOWNLOAD – FEMA Guide for Developing High Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship
Disaster Response Grant Guidelines
Chuck Pierce: Rocky Mountain District Disaster Response Coordinator | |
Further information of Disaster Grants as contained on the Synod website: http://www.lcms.org/disaster/forms The initial request form is easy to complete and will be quickly reviewed. As you prepare the form, following are some general points to remember about emergency disaster relief grants. We can provide immediate assistance to be used in three primary areas: 1. Unmet needs of your members or member of the Lutheran church 2. Unmet needs of people in the community at large as determined by your leadership or appropriate board or committee 3. Unmet needs related to the immediate repair of your church/school/parsonage Here are some of the many ways we recommend that you determine the needs and provide immediate assistance to members and other needy individuals in your own community (sample assessment forms are available – see download above) 1. Provide basic essentials such as food, water, shelter and medical care 2. Provide gift cards to replace personal items ($100 maximum per person/family) 3. Provide transitional housing for up to 90 days 4. Provide immediate cash assistance as appropriate ($100 maximum per person/family) 5. Provide short-term childcare assistance or childcare cost (30 days) 6. Provide school tuition (if the congregation operates a school) 7. Provide short-term transportation assistance (30 days) 8. Provide debris clean-up assistance (both financial and through volunteers) Remember that all aid and assistance provided with LCMS emergency disaster grants should be connected to the Word and Sacrament ministry of your district or local congregations. Grant requests must be completed on the LCMS application form (budget information and pictures are appreciated). All grant requests must be forwarded to the appropriate LCMS district president and district disaster response coordinator and to the LCMS Disaster Response team: Rocky Mountain District President: Rev. James Maxwell maxwell@rm.lcms.org Rocky Mountain District Disaster Response Coordinator: Chuck Pierce colomountain@msn.com LCMS Director of Disaster Response: Rev. Dr. Ross Johnson disaster@lcms.org A copy also can be sent to Barbara Hoffmann, manager, LCMS Grant Administration at barb.hoffmann@lcms.org The forms can be downloaded at www.lcms.org/disaster/forms There are two forms that need to be completed to apply for a disaster grant: “Emergency Grant Application Form” and “Emergency Grant Assessment form.” The assessment forms are to be completed for each individual, family or project and should be kept at the originator’s office because of the sensitive and confidential information it contains. A summary, in spreadsheet format should be sent with the completed grant application. To expedite the approval process, please email the completed application form and summary to the district president, district disaster response coordinator and Synod at the same time. If you have any questions or want help completing the forms, contact Chuck Pierce via email at colomountain@msn, phone: 719-687-6718 or cell: 719-650-0456. |