And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:40

The mission of our District’s Disability Ministries Committee is:
To equip the Church to practice inclusion of people with disabilities.
If your church is providing ministry for one or more people with disabilities, we would like to know so that we can add you to this list and encourage others! Please contact one of our committee members below and let us know what you are doing.
Our Founding Work and Committee
The committee was established for ministry to and with people with disabilities.
Our committee will work with churches and schools in need of:
- Resources to address needs of those with disabilities,
- Suggestions on how to involve them in the life & ministry of the church, and
- Catechetical helps & resources for pastors and other church workers.
Disability Ministries Committee Members:
Rev. Michael Redeker, Chairman
Rev. Dennis FitzPatrick
Rev. David Hall
Mrs. Angela Erickson
Mrs. Sue Hart
We are also proud of our Synod’s efforts at awareness and sensitivity to people with disabilities:
Resource- Epiphany Sermon Series:
To view the cover letter CLICK HERE
To view the series CLICK HERE