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Nurturing the Faith 2025 – North Denver


Nurturing the Faith Gatherings for 2025 are designed for pastors, preschool, elementary and high school staffs, DCEs, church leaders, Sunday school teachers, youth workers, and others who are involved in the ministry of children, youth and adults. Bring your Bible with you!

 SCRIPTURE BASIS: “…to equip the saints for work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.”  Ephesians 4: 12-13.

MISSION STATEMENT: Nurturing the Faith Workshops provide opportunities to be refreshed and renewed in the Word for all saints ministering to children, youth, and adults.

OBJECTIVE: To promote personal spiritual growth and develop faith-filled relationships through encountering God’s Word.

GUEST SPEAKER: Bio Tom Eggebrecht NTF Speaker 2025, Senior VP of Ministry Solutions for Lutheran Church Extension Fund

THEME: Fully and Creatively Alive: The Creator creatively became the created to re-create His creation…and that’s YOU!


TUESDAY, February 25 – North Denver                 

Redeemer Lutheran Preschool

7755 Greenstone Trail

Ft. Collins, CO 80525

Ph:  970-225-9020

Coordinator: Ann Henning



8:30 am –   9:00 am               Refreshments/Coffee

9:00 am – 10:30 am               Welcoming & Session I

10:30 am – 10:45 am              Break

10:45 am – 12:00 pm               Session II

12:00 pm – 12:45 pm              Lunch

12:45 pm –   2:15 pm              Session III & Sending


*Registration is now open! Visit https://rm.lcms.org/2025-nurturing-the-faith/


Please register by February 10, 2025, so host schools can plan accordingly.

Cost: $ 35 per person


February 25