Church Remittance Voucher

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find the latest version of the RMD Voucher online?
You can download the document from

Does my church have to use the RMD Voucher?
The use of the RMD Voucher is not required; however, many congregations find it useful for specifying the use of their contributions and gifts.

What format is the voucher?
The RMD Voucher is available as a PDF file and as a Microsoft Word file.

What size is the voucher?
The RMD Voucher is available in full page size for those who prefer a little more room or a larger font. The RMD Voucher is also available in ½ page size (2 per page) for those who prefer to use less paper.

If our church is specifying multiple gifts, can we put the total amount in one check?
Certainly! Whatever works for your congregation works for us at the district. Be sure to include how much goes to which ministry.

How can I learn more about the Designated Gifts for District Ministries?
Go to to learn about the district’s different ministries. If you don’t find what you need there, always feel free to send your questions to

Our church has contributed to other ministries in the past, but I do not see it listed on the
voucher. How can I ensure my church’s donations get to the correct place?

The last check box on the list allows for flexibility in sending a gift for a particular mission. The district financial office also works with LCMS at the national synod level to direct funds to the appropriate programs.

Still have questions?
Please email or call the RMD office at 303.695.8001.