Frequently Asked Questions

Siberian Lutheran Seminary
Since its founding in 1996, the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk, Siberia, has become recognized as a leading pastoral training school in Russia. During the Rocky Mountain District Convention, it was decided that the Siberian Lutheran Seminary would be the focus for support for the next triennium.
RMD Partners in Mission
The fund provides individuals and congregations an opportunity to support the annual mission and ministry of the District over and above regular offerings and pledges. These special gifts serve to cover any giving gap between offerings and budget needs. Gifts are used solely for the annual mission and ministry work of the District for carrying out its Focus: Know the Truth, Understand the Culture, Live the Faith.
The RMD Endowment Fund
The fund provides an orderly way to manage gifts from contributions, bequests, and property sales (restricted and unrestricted). Only the interest from the endowment, or no more than 4% of the principal, would be utilized each year for mission work within the District. Additionally, funds could be utilized to help District congregations develop a renewed focus for ministry as a preventive measure against Gospel Gaps.
Ordained Minister Debt Assistance Program (DAP)
The program provides annual grants to ministers who have remaining school debt following placement from seminaries. The program is funded by a designated endowment fund and LCEF investments, along with generous contributions from churches and members.
Rocky Mountain District Scholarship Fund for Church Workers
The fund is used to provide scholarships to Rocky Mountain District students in the seminary as well as those who are studying within the Concordia University system with the intention of becoming future church workers.
President’s Fund
The Rocky Mountain District has established a church worker and congregation assistance fund. The purpose of this fund, at the discretion of the District President, is to aid church workers in personal or professional matters where the congregation is unable to support that worker. Additionally, the fund is used for congregations in support of their health in matters of church unity, reconciliation, or other ecclesiastical matters where the congregation is unable to financially support such endeavors.
Mission Support for Congregations
The fund is used to provide support for Lutheran Churches within the Rocky Mountain District.
Mission Support for Schools
The fund is used to provide support for Lutheran Schools and activities within the Rocky Mountain District, including the annual Educators Conference.
RMD Disaster Response
The Rocky Mountain Disaster Response program is a ministry to respond to immediate and long-term needs following man-made and natural and disasters such as forest fires or flooding with emergency grants.
University Lutheran Chapel (ULC)
Funds are used to provide mission and material support for the University Lutheran Chapel located in Boulder, CO.