The RMD Endowment Fund has been established to support the mission and vision of the District in order to advance the Kingdom of God.
The fund provides an orderly way to manage gifts from contributions, bequests, and property sales (restricted and unrestricted). Only the interest from the endowment, or no more than 4% of the principal, would be utilized each year for mission work within the District. Additionally, funds could be utilized to help District congregations develop a renewed focus for ministry as a preventive measure against Gospel Gaps.
How Do We Use Our Endowment?

The Rocky Mountain District Fund’s primary purpose, as determined by the Board of Directors, will be to finance “Gospel Gap Ministry” as adopted by the Rocky Mountain District in its 2012 Convention. Operating under this model, circuits collaborate to identify ministry gaps to reach the unchurched or underserved populations within their respective circuits. In some cases, a circuit may see the need to prevent the loss of a ministry, which would them produce a gospel gap.
As circuit congregations share costs, the circuit may determine that funds within the circuit are inadequate to launch an initiative. In that case, an application may be made to the District to assist with funding. The Endowment Funds will be a source to help fund “Gospel Gap Ministry.”
Gifts can be made in many forms
Click here to send an online gift.
• Cash/Check
• Tangible personal property
• Marketable securities
• Stocks
• Bonds
• Life insurance
• Charitable gift annuities
• Real estate
The LCMS Foundation: Our Partner in Ministry

If you would like to remember the endowment in your will or gift plan, the LCMS Foundation provides professional charitable giving expertise and confidential service at no cost.
You will receive professional assistance from Jason Jones, our gift planning counselor, as well as attorneys, accountants and investment professionals who can assist you with maximizing gifts while minimizing taxes.
Jason Jones
Gift Planning Counselor
Live Your Faith
Congregations and individuals can also contribute with direct funds to help grow the endowment. Please make your check payable to the Rocky Mountain District and note on the memo line, RMD Endowment Fund
Send to:
Rocky Mountain District – LCMS
88 Inverness Circle East
Unit A-210
Englewood, CO 80112