“Be Bold for the Proclamation of the Gospel”
SOAR was formed in 1995 as a ministry to/for active adults in the Rocky Mountain District of LCMS. SOAR has continued to host two Saturday events each year, a one-day seminar in the spring and a one-day event in the fall. Each event has engaging speakers and entertainers and, of course, good meals. Our speakers are from local and national resources.
Our national keynote speakers are often pastors who serve at our Lutheran seminaries or who preach on Lutheran Hour. Dr. Dale Meyer, Dr. Gregory Seltz, and Dr. Michael Zeigler have been our keynote speakers in the past. Dr. Thomas Egger spoke at the 2022 Fall Seminar.

Rev. Dr. Lawrence Rast Jr., President of Concordia Theological Seminary/Ft Wayne, speaks at the 2023 Fall SOAR event

The acronym SOAR reflects our purpose: Serving Our Awesome Redeemer. A variety of topics at our events provide spiritual, social, physical, intellectual, and emotional information to enhance one’s quality of life. Our goal is to strengthen our faith and to equip us to bring others to know Jesus as their Savior. The verse chosen to reflect that purpose is Isaiah 40:31.
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31
The SOAR planning committee of 15 members from several congregations in our Rocky Mountain District meets monthly to plan the events; see attached list of SOAR Committee members. A pastoral advisor is a member of the committee. Each congregation in the RMD receives a packet of information by mail and email to assist us in publicizing each of the two annual events. Previous attendees are sent an information packet which contains an agenda and registration details for each upcoming event.

Our 2023 Fall Seminar at Bethlehem Lutheran was attended by over 100 members of the Rocky Mountain District.
SOAR and Lutheran Bible Translators
SOAR has recently formed an alliance with Lutheran Bible Translators to cooperatively inform and arouse interest in the mission goal of bringing the Word of God to all people of the world in their own language. Together we want to engage members, especially Boomers (1946 – 1964) and GenXers (1965-1980), of our local congregations in a Bible Translation Movement within LCMS churches of the Rocky Mountain District. A group called Satellite Servants has been recruited to help spread the news of the work of Lutheran Bible Translators and to publicize our seminars. More Satellite Servants are encouraged to join in representing Lutheran Bible Translators in their home congregations so that the churches in the Rocky Mountain District will be blanketed with an enthusiastic desire to spread the gospel of Christ in places where believers in Christ have spoken languages and dialects, but yearn to read and share the gospel in their heart languages.

Millions of people don’t have the Bible in a language they understand.
Lutheran Bible Translators partners with individuals, organizations and language communities to put God’s Word in their hands.
Lutheran Bible Translators is a member of illumiNations, a collective impact alliance of Bible translation partners and resource partners working together to eradicate Bible poverty.
7,000+ languages in the world
706 have the full Bible
2,750 have little or no Scripture
$35 translates a verse
$1,000 translates an average chapter
$420,000 translates the New Testament
$960,000 translates the full Bible
Put God’s Word in their hands. Visit lbt.org.
Experience God’s Word Through Music

Be refreshed by Scripture daily.
Living Water is brought to you by industry-recognized artists to engage listeners in a word-for-word rendition of the ESV New Testament.
Grow in your faith with an immersive, accessible experience to capture the drama and emotion of the Bible.
Experience Scripture.