Late last year the District was informed by Lutheran Church Extension Fund that a one time gift to the District would be possible called LCEF Enhanced Earnings Grant to be distributed to congregations and schools for “solutions that enhance ministry, innovation, and growth”.

The Board of Directors set parameters and guidelines in the areas of worker-wellness; technology upgrades, ministries to children/youth, and community outreach and submitted them to LCEF. Our guidelines were accepted and LCEF granted our District just over $113,500 for distribution.
A sub-committee was formed to work on the application process within our District, publicize, receive and review the grants. The notice was met with an overwhelming response of 65 applications from congregations and schools. (That is 1/3 of our District congregations).
Most applications demonstrated a significant amount of “homework” to dream big and estimate expenses. The District was very impressed with the forward thinking and the goals set for Kingdom growth on the part of our congregations.
It was the desire that all applications be funded much more than the limited money allowed. However, in order for all applications to receive some portion of the LCEF grant, no one request was granted in entirety. Grant money will be distributed by the end of May 2022. It is our prayer that God will bless the advance work done by congregations and schools. Even though the entire grant request could not be awarded, it is hoped that the amount received will help with a portion of the planned ministries or improvements; or that perhaps it becomes seed money for on-going fundraising toward these dreams for Kingdom growth.
LCEF Enhanced Earnings Grants blessed our District with a total of $113,517 being divided between 65 congregations/schools who applied for the grant. Below is a graph of categories toward which the grants were allocated. Most requests were in the area of technology upgrades. We can’t thank the Lutheran Church Extension Fund enough for providing our District congregations/schools with the boosts needed in all these areas.