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Continuing Education: The Joseph Narratives: A Tale of Two Brothers in Genesis 37–50

Rev. Dr. Jeffrey H. Pulse in Albuquerque, NM
Jul. 29-31, 2024
The Joseph Narratives: A Tale of Two Brothers in Genesis 37–50
This course will explore the historical and theological transformation of the Hebrew people from the patriarchal era to the tribal era. At the same time, we will examine the two Messianic figures in the Joseph narratives and observe their rise and fall. 1.5 CEU Course.
Deadline to register is July 15th, 2024
Register at: https://ctsfw.regfox.com/ce-2024-albuquerque-new-mexico
Dr. Jeffrey Pulse
Professor of Exegetical Theology; Director of Certification and Placement; and Director of Continuing Education at Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne
Following graduation from Concordia Teachers College in Seward, Nebraska, with a BS in Elementary Education (1980), he attended CTSFW, completing his MDiv in 1984 and later completing his STM from CTSFW while in the parish in 1990. He completed his PhD at the University of Durham, England in 2017, in the area of Old Testament, successfully defending his dissertation on “Joseph: A Death and Resurrection figure in the Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism.”
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