2023 Concordia Plan Services

Health Plan Town Halls

Navigating the world of healthcare can be very difficult and time consuming.  CPS wants to ensure that all LCMS ministries are prepared to make sound decisions that are meaningful to your ministry. 

This year CPS is streamlining the Town Hall process by holding separate webinars based on network carriers BCBS, Cigna, and Kaiser.  While there are numerous similarities, there can be slight differences that apply to a certain carrier.  Therefore, valuing your time and commitment to attending this informational session is top of mind for CPS.

Though not mandatory, it is encouraged that someone within your ministry attend to find out more about the CHP options, special coverages, and Open Enrollment timeline.  These webinars will be recorded.

Below is the schedule and links for the carrier specific webinars:

CarrierDayDateEDTCDTMSTZoom LinkPassword
BCBSTuesdayJuly 19, 202211 a.m.10 a.m.8 a.m.https://concordiaplans.zoom.us/j/88513762491?pwd=WDFqQkJhVXVIdXVMT2V4bTNWZ0dYQT09823452
CignaWednesdayJuly 20, 20222 p.m.1 p.m.11 a.m.https://concordiaplans.zoom.us/j/88096454924?pwd=QTdhS3k1d1o4UE9ueWFsd3EySUk5UT09819941
Kaiser PermanenteThursdayJuly 21, 202211 a.m.10 a.m.8 a.m.https://concordiaplans.zoom.us/j/82031676161?pwd=V0tHS0swY2ZGV3ZmeWdjQ1hTRTZEUT09153572
Kaiser PermanenteTuesdayJuly 26, 20222 p.m.1 p.m.11 a.m.https://concordiaplans.zoom.us/j/82373091516?pwd=QVZORDBaOXF1bEtlQ0NOdFBVc251dz09991330
CignaWednesdayJuly 27, 202211 a.m.10 a.m.8 a.m.https://concordiaplans.zoom.us/j/81881012287?pwd=VmdrMXprVFZRNndQa0hFRUhlSG9QUT09420766
BCBSThursdayJuly 28, 20222 p.m.1 p.m.11 a.m.https://concordiaplans.zoom.us/j/82428236642?pwd=VUFPeU0rWmhmS1pBYjhGUjV1TGR4dz09998018